Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Rest days and a slug

The training group got smaller today as Simon and Kirsten left for Austria to race this weekend in the World Cup there.  Jones got back today and will be doing training/recovering here for a week before heading off to England with me to meet Joel and the other two for the Salford WC.  We have been pretty lucky this year as our BAMF training group has not been split up that often going to different races as it usually does at this time of the year.  After this stint of races we will all convene back in Victoria to train as a TEAM and get ready for the World Champs and Beijing WC.

These last couple days for me have been recovery (easy swim yesterday, easy swim this morning followed by a 2 hour trainer ride watching the tour because it was raining outside and I melt in the rain).  I also got a 2 hour massage today to help with the recovery.  I have been having some pains in my shoulder this past week so Kim worked good in that area and it feels much better already.  We will test it out tomorrow in the open water swim workout.  Although the start of this week is recovery based, Joel said that the end of the week is going to be SOLID.  We will see how solid SOLID actually is... ;)

I will leave you with a tale of a slug that I have been hunting in my suite for some time.  Well a while ago I noticed that there were these weird marks on my wall by the sliding door.  I thought that they were just water marks from a big rain storm last year that flooded my suite a bit and I had just not noticed it.  Then I noticed the same marks on the ceiling coming from the sliding door.  So I followed the trail along the wall, on the ceiling all the way into my living room, down the wall and behind the TV.  That is where I lost the trail and there was no sign of the slug anywhere.  Well yesterday when I was vacuuming (yes I do clean once a year) I noticed that there was a little trail on the carpet in-front of the DVD rack coming down the wall.  The trail went into a little crevice beside the TV stand and lo and behold there is a really hard shriveled up crusted onto the carpet slug.  Let me tell you that the journey it went on must have taken it at least a week...it went a pretty long distance for how slow they move.  It must of made its journey when I was away at a race.  Well I just got a knife and cut of from the carpet and chucked it outside.  Maybe during the rain today it plumped up back to life and continued its journey...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

blog blog blog

I could write a lot of what's been going on these last couple weeks but I will keep it short...my bed time is coming up quick.  Last time we talked I was sick.  Well I got better, had a wicked week of training, and so far this week has been just OK training.  And that is it.

I am confirmed for Salford to be my next World Cup.  I head over the Atlantic to a little island known as UK.  Lisa is coming with me also, I meet up with her in Toronto for the flight to Manchester but I will be in First Class enjoying the high life while she is in the back with the rift raft.  We are staying with some of my family while we are over there.  Should be a good time.

Other than training I have not been doing much.  I could clean my suite...but that takes away from recovery and watching HEROES.  I am half way through the first season...it is a good one!

OK, its bedtime...and oh yea, yesterday here in Victoria was the hottest day on record.  It got up to 36.3 degrees Celsius...HOT HOT HOT.  It felt like I was in an oven when outside.