Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Back to rain rain rain

Made it back home to Victoria in one piece. Can't complain too much about the flights...all of us got bumped up to first class from Tokyo to Vancouver...we rock! It was a bit of a ordeal but well worth the 75min begging the lady to give us seats up there.

I was able to sleep well last night. At swimming this morning everyone looked like zombies, only half awake. They were all up at various points of the night wide awake...lucky me was able to sleep easily all the way through without waking up. I could have kept sleeping much longer but the alarm shouted "get up you lazy wanker! Time to swim!". I made up for it with a 2 hour slumber this afternoon...i love naps! I also put together my bike, went for a 90min spin, easy 30min jog and had a nice Epsom Salt bath...all to aid in recovery for this weeks upcoming training.

The new rankings are up and I have moved up 8 places to 68th in the Olympic Rankings...lets keep jumping higher because I still have a long way to go! You can check out the highlights from the Ishigaki World Cup race here.

Time for a good dinner, House and more sleep!

And a shout out goes to LISA

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