Friday, June 29, 2007

"you PLAY, you PAY"

That was one of the favorite sayings the coaches at McMaster University used to say come morning swim time when half the team would come hung over from a night at the pub.  Well after the race last weekend in Edmonton a group of us went out for a bit and ended up at a karaoke bar singing with the Aussie team.  The next morning my throat was sore and scratchy...I just thought it was because of my awesome singing the night before.  Well it turned into a sore throat which has evolved into a head cold and today I am not feeling so hot.  I am not sure if it was because of my once a year going out stint but boy oh boy I feel like I am paying for it now.

We started back into some hard sessions today.  The swim this morning was a 6 rounds of 5x100 descend by effort and pace time.  I felt like a bag of smashed apples but was trucking through doing OK.  Others were doing much worse then me so after 4 rounds the coach made us throw on paddles and pull buoys and we did a 1000 straight to finish off the workout.  Got some breaky in me and hit the hay for 90min before I headed to Commonwealth for a treadmill run.  30min WU then the set was 8-6-4-2-1 descending pace.  I barely made it through the 8min'er, then on the 6min'er.......KABOOM.  Done..."wow you really do look like a bag of smashed apples" says coach.  "Just warm down and get outta here!".

I AM POOPED!  rest rest rest sleep sleep sleep drugs drugs drugs and some more drugs to make me feel all better and salvage this week with some wicked ass training this weekend. 


Daniel Wells said...

You're a Karaoke Star though Colin!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I missed Colin Jenkins singing karaoke.... wait a sec, oooo I take that back because I don't know if I would ever want to listen to you sing! hahaha