Thursday, September 13, 2007


Do not ask me how I was able to get on blogger from here (Joel the computer hacker must have got around the firewall that blankets the country to censor their citizens) but I hope that tomorrow I am not blogging from the inside of some Chinese prison!  I'll just say that it was JONES!!!

The trip so far has been going well....I am sleeping good and we have a full support staff which is seeing to our every need.  We are staying in a wicked cool villa at the race hotel.  Our villa is basically a small hotel with lots of rooms.  It is good except that we have a bunch of Chinese sitting at our door (like a doorman) but all they do is sleep and sit there bored out of their minds...useless jobs.

There is a big sports complex on the grounds here....bowling, ping pong, badminton, 25m pool, treadmills, archery range, virtual golfing range, virtual kill and blow up aliens with big badass guns (which we are going to check out tonight!) after dinner.  Speaking of food we have been cooking most of the stuff in our villa although tonight I am going to check out the dinner in the hotel which I have heard mixed reviews about.  We went to the grocery store to get some foods with a camera man following us around and some guards at the entrance and exits.  Lots of the food in there was sketch....especially the meats.  Mystery meats are my favorite! mmmmmmm.....

We have checked out the course here....I like it a lot.  The swim course is one lap....WIDE OPEN with long stretches.  Bike course is hilly and a little technical and the run is mostly flat with little rises exiting and entering the dam.  Going to be FAST!

As you can see their english translation is not that great...they call it CHINGLISH.  Loads of it around and they are starting a massive crackdown on it before the Olympics here next year.  After the race we are going to a big market in Beijing to get our hands on some cheap Chinese knockoffs like these sandals!  I cannot wait!


Anonymous said...

colin those useless guys at the door could be you one day,with your knock off nikes and fake rolex. arrested in china, gets out at 50 becomes a doorman.hmmmmmmmmm sounds like a good movie grasshopper. good luck have an awesome race dudue,keeping it real in dundas unc

Suzanne said...

Sounds like quite the experience! Have a great race Colin.