Saturday, September 08, 2007

Not many hamburgers in Hamburg...lots of sausages though

do race reports that come out this late still count?  or do they still matter?  will anyone read it?  ha...well I don't sucka's!

I did the Hamburg race last year...I love this race because there is just so many people lining the whole course cheering for your, it can be deafening at times!  AWESOME!!!!  I had a great start again even though some guy beside me clearly left early (I was thinking "oh no you just didn't do that!" while I was in mid air and he was already entering the water) so as soon I got to the surface and got ahead of him I tried to squish him over to the other guys beside him.  THAT WILL TEACH YOU NOT TO LEAVE EARLY!  I felt pretty comfortable for the rest of the swim and exited around 6th place.  Hopped on the bike and started to chase down some early keeners that did not bother to wait for me getting on my bike.  It took a lap and a half to catch them and then it ended up being a big swarm of bikes.  The pace was on the whole time...hard to try to stay near the front out of trouble.  Fun bike but not nearly as fun as the run would be (if sarcasm could be shown through the computer then it would be smacking you across the face right now).  I did not feel that strong and fell off pace pretty quickly but the crowd still was giving me the pity cheer which was cool.  Even though I was far off the front I still received loud cheers....I could not imagine how loud it would of been at the front running with the Germans.  So that was be honest I have not looked at the results yet so I do not know how I finished.  But that was my first worlds as an Elite (not any different than any other world cup...just a bundle of fun!)

Next up is the Beijing World Cup next weekend.  We are leaving this Monday for the infinite feeling flight over to China.  I have been looking forward to it all exciting.


Anonymous said...

yes we read your Blog - late as it is. Aren't you the sarcastic one today - very witty ^;^
And by the way - you're not there for a good time and to listen to the crowd cheer for you - you're supposed to be trying to catch the guys at the front!!

Thanks for the report, entertaining as always - and don't be so mean in the swim! He probably passed you on the run :)

Daniel Wells said...

I was waiting and waiting for the race report...

I hope you had a nice German beer after the race!!

I'll look into those tights for you, shouldn't be a problem.