Thursday, October 18, 2007

Here comes the winter

Just got off the trainer/rollers.  It is getting to be that time of the year when I would rather sit on my bike for a couple hours and stare at a blank wall than brace the cold and wet conditions outside.  I am sure that soon enough I will just suck it up as I always do but for now...indoors is just fine with me.  Plus I am in need of some winter training gear so not being properly dressed and equipped just makes it that much worse.

I rode the rollers for an hour then switched to the trainer for the second hour...just to mix it up a bit.  Bit more comfortable on the trainer as I can move around a lot more freely compared to being somewhat at attention of where you are on the rollers so I do not fly though the sliding door window.  It wasn't too bad as I was listening to an audiobook...Brother Fish by Bryce Courtney.  It is starting off to be pretty slow and boring....hopefully it picks up a bit and gets more exciting.  I cannot really find any more of his works to be better than the first book he wrote and still my favorite, The Power of One.  Read it if you haven't.

Lots of swimming and riding this past little bit with the occasional run thrown in their.  Next week we are starting some heat training sessions to get ready for the Cancun World Cup coming up fast.  They ended up changing the race venue without telling anyone so we had our hotel booked on the other side of Cancun in a non-refundable hotel.  We thought that it was going to be a lost cause and money well wasted but out travel agent got it changed for us to the proper side of Cancun.  No worries now.

Dinner is calling my name.

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