Saturday, November 03, 2007

In the sun

Hola everyone!

Just about to go out for a swim to check out the race course. We are really close o the race course so we are going to swim from our hotel over...check it out and come back. The water yesterday was insane...REALLY CHOPPY! It was pretty windy out but calmer today so the water should be calmer.

The hotel that we are at is really nice...the food is good and the rooms are big. On he menu for today is a swim, clean the bike, go for a ride, and relax for the rest of the time.

Here are some pics from yesterday....AUDIOS AMIGOS!


Anonymous said...

Go get it tomorrow mate, you've had a great year, this is the finishing touch! DaveH

Daniel Wells said...

Chico...congrats on the swim you can tell that Whitfield guy he isn't the only guy to win a swim prime!
Hopefully you were able to collect the $500 from Les.