Thursday, January 31, 2008

Unger VS Gomez

Some of the Numbers from Tucson

Total Milage from Tucson training Camp (21 days):

Swim - 87, 500 meters

Bike - 1062 km

Run - 150 km

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Camp 1....done

I am just chilling out in a coffee shop in Fairfield...I am staying at Adam Campbells place but of course he does not know the password for his wireless internet so I had to come here to check it.

The flight back yesterday was uneventful.  We got in OK and Adam was there to pick me up!  Saves me some big $$$ not having to take a cab.

This week is a really chill recovery week.  3 swims/bikes/runs to recover from the big block that we just put in.  Tucson was awesome but I am glad to be back in Victoria...although I would rather the is cold and raining in Victoria right now.  Same old story.

Here is a picture of the last swim of the camp.  I celebrated by jumping off the 10m platform.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Local Legend

I first saw this guy on the first Shootout ride here in Tucson.  At the end of the ride I saw this guy dressed all in grey with sparkles all over his clothes.  The next week at the same place at the end of the ride I saw him again dressed all in pink.  Apparently he likes to color co-ordinate.

Last weeks Shootout he started riding into on coming traffic and ended up getting us pulled over by a cop while he took off.  He only eats junk food before and during rides, doesn't drink water because it "weighs too much" and doesn't wear a helmet because "it does not look good and looks are everything."  He is a LEGEND!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Some solid days in the bank

The training camp is coming to an end in a couple days.  We have been in Tucson for three weeks and have gotten in some great early season training.

Yesterday we started off the day with a 5000m swim practice...I am trying to think what we did but cannot remember.  All the practices and days blend into one...don't know which day we did what.  We then got all ready to climb Mt. Lemmon for the third time.  The first couple times we went up to mile 11.  This time we climbed up to mile 14 to which an amazing view was waiting for us.  I was able to get into a really good rhythm and climbed pretty good.  I had Simon and Johnny in tow and it was good to have some people to get up the climb with.  it took us 65 minutes to get to mile 14.  Drink and chocolate was waiting for us at the top from our sherpa joel.  We bundled up for the cold decent and rode easy home, got into some run clothes and finished the day off with a easy run.

This morning was another 5000m swim set.  A bunch of 800s neg split.  Then we did a fartlek run along a wash for 70min and finished the day off with a 60min spin.

Wow, my computer just shut down my internet browser and I thought that I lost all this...thank goodness for automatic saving!  I thought that I would have to type this all would have been a much more condensed me!

Ok so here is some cool videos of crazy weather on mt lemmon.  It is taken from one of the University of Arizona webcam's.  Click here to check it out.

Also click here to check out pictures from the camp that coach joel has posted.  He has taken quite a few photos so there is lots to look at.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

what is this blogging that people talk about?

OK, so no more seeslim....a new post.  There we go.

It is Kathy's last night after the swim this afternoon we went out for dinner to an all you can eat buffet...well we all came out there feeling sick and people's bowels were being over active in producing gas.  The ride home was a stinky one thanks to Kyle and Dano.  I think that it was all that hot brownie earthquake dessert that they kept piling on.  I hate buffet's.

This morning was a hilly base run in the canyon.  It hurt.  Did not feel good.  The swim felt much better though.  That seems to be the theme the past two weeks.

I think that we are going to play a game of Catch Phrase before we go to bed....if we can pull some of the guys away from the football games on tv.  It is a fun game.  Probably not good for recovery since all our heart rates are in the 150's while playing it.  Having a bunch of competitive athletes playing a game gets a little rowdy.