Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Camp 1....done

I am just chilling out in a coffee shop in Fairfield...I am staying at Adam Campbells place but of course he does not know the password for his wireless internet so I had to come here to check it.

The flight back yesterday was uneventful.  We got in OK and Adam was there to pick me up!  Saves me some big $$$ not having to take a cab.

This week is a really chill recovery week.  3 swims/bikes/runs to recover from the big block that we just put in.  Tucson was awesome but I am glad to be back in Victoria...although I would rather the sun...it is cold and raining in Victoria right now.  Same old story.

Here is a picture of the last swim of the camp.  I celebrated by jumping off the 10m platform.

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