Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jet Plane Rides

Im off to Phoenix tomorrow to race in the Desert Duathlon on Sunday.  From there we are driving up to Flagstaff for a 4 week training camp leading up to the first race of the season in Mooloolaba, Australia.

Training has been going OK these last couple days.  The body is tired from the long hours but it will be recovered for this weekend.  I just got back from an awesome massage with Kim and getting adjusted with Rob before I go.  It helps to have a great support team here in Victoria to look after us.

The CCES were at the pool again this morning.  I do not like seeing them.  The least I have to see them the better.  The testing did not take too long though and I was able to get to breakfast shortly after.  When I got home I was surprised with a big package from New Balance, well I was expecting it but I did not think that it was going to get here before we left.  I tried on all the gear and it is cool stuff.  All of it is coming with me on this is all much needed gear!

I am off to bed now.  I fly out tomorrow afternoon.  Of course I have not started to pack yet...I will leave that for's the only way I do it.

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