Monday, March 17, 2008

Now this is how you edit a video

More on training and other stuff soon.....


geoB said...

And that is why you all kick ass. Congrats on another great workout! Good camera work too Colin!!

Anonymous said...

Cool - kinda reminded me of myself at the gym this morning :)
No, not you guys, the older gentleman at the end - haha....
You guys rock - you need to edit the song though - not meant for younger listeners - tsk, tsk.....
Mum xx

Anonymous said...

Colin is a runner.....colin is a runner....colin IS a runner


Anonymous said...

I remember I used to run that fast ... in grade five.... from the police..... Very inspirational video for us weekend warriors. Hitting 30km this weekend with your folks. Should be a perfect day. Best wishes to you and the Canadian crew Colin !

Dan & Josh from the Hammer