Thursday, April 17, 2008

Interview from Ishigaki

Here is an interview that I did with Barrie Shepley before the race last weekend in Ishigaki, Japan.


Anonymous said...

Great interview Colin, Barrie was one of the first people I had contact with when I started tri's back in '86. I'm following your results closely and have to say, you really make us proud back here in Hamilton, good luck in Vancouver...and Beijing!

Anonymous said...

Great interview ! Barry was my first tri coach and it was cool to see two local dudes who are part of the international stage. Keep working hard Colin, we're pulling for you !!

Dan and Josh, Hamilton.

P.S. I'm styling in my new seeslim t-shirt.

Unknown said...

You definitely got the gift of gab from your mom! Well done Colin; Mt. Hope's rootin' for you!

Birgit and Reimund