Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Resurrection of the Blog

Only a couple more days until Worlds.  I am heading over on the ferry tomorrow morning and then picking my Dad, sister, and girlfriend Lisa up from the airport who have all come over from Ontario to watch me race.  After the race they are all heading back to Victoria with me to visit and hang out for a couple days.

Here is a video that I found on the web today.  So funny to hear Paul Regensburg commentating (or trying to).  I think that they just ended up cutting his microphone because he was just babbling away (none of us would have done any better in that position ... it was a very exciting time!).

If the video does not work below try clicking HERE.


Brent Poulsen said...

YO Dawgg,
GOod Luck this weekend, make me proud. Say hi to your folks and Lisa.

Birgit said...

Hey Colin! You've got the whole Mt. Hope gang rootin' for ya! Best of luck.

Birgit, Reimund & clan

Anonymous said...

Colin,swim like a shark,ride like Lance,and run like you stole something! Good luck, you've got all Hamilton behind you!! DCH

Anonymous said...


I just saw one of your best performances in a field that was stacked with talent.You didn't hear the commentary that we did but let me say this, the announcers had only praise and great things to say about your character, your effort and how you worked for the TEAM. Congratulations Colin, we're very proud of all you have accomplished. It's an honour to know you and your family.

Dan and Josh Little

Birgit said...

Just heard the awesome news! Amazing and congrats to you and your teammates Colin! We had fun watching the podcast live and listen to the announcers tell the world what a great team player you are. Must've been a great feeling to do so well in your own country. We're so happy your family and Lisa were there to share such a wonderful accomplishment. Now....go and celebrate!
Birgit, Reimund and gang

Anonymous said...

congrats on being selected for Beijing. How exciting. I look forward to August and seeing how you three guys do!

Anonymous said...

so happy for you col ,,,love unc.... don't think i ever went to the olympics....have to think about....yep never went. your officially faster than me.

runningman said...

Congratz on being selected!!

FatDad said...

Great race on Sunday Colin. Go get 'em in Beijing.