Friday, June 27, 2008

Some blogs and a bad driver

Jordan Rapp (my roommate and training partner) wrote a good post today on his blog about what it means to be a "team" in this individual sport.  Click here to check it out.

I also wrote another entry for the Slowtwitch series "Road to Beijing" in which I write about my journey to the start line in Beijing.  You can check that out here

Training has been going well lately, if you do not count me getting hit by a car today.  I ended up on the rear hood of the car ... luckily no bad damage to the body (other than a couple cuts and a sore knee) and more importantly no damage to the bike!  I always say that it would be cool to get hit by a car and sue for millions ... well it is not as cool as it sounds anymore and I did not even sustain permanent damage.  I will not be saying that anymore!


Anonymous said...

Thank your Guardian Angel for that one Colin - and you're awesome bike skills for reacting to the car so quickly. Glad to hear you're no worse for wear!

Anonymous said...

if it's not a wet bridge in dundas,it's cars in victoria. stay on the bike .... stay were probably day dreaming i can be as fast as my uncle, then BAM. LOVE U UNC