Saturday, August 23, 2008

Engaged at the Olympics

After watching the BMX finals yesterday Lisa was able to get a day pass into the Olympic Village to check it out. On the way to the village we made a quick stop to the Summer Palace to see what that was about ... it is a massive place with a big lake in the middle. We wanted to get to the Village so we did not spend too much time there.

Getting Lisa throuh security and accredited for the day went smoothly and we were in the Village and into the Caffeteria for lunch before we knew it.

After a good meal I showed Lisa around and we went for a walk and found a quiet shadded place to sit down and rest. I told Lisa that I went to the market to try to find her something that showed her how much I loved her. I said that I think I found something that she would like and that I got a good deal on it. She then hopped up all happy and said "lets go see it ... I want it now." I told her it was in my pocket and I pulled it out and opened a small box and she immediately jumped on me all in shock without me actually saying anything. After I got her to calm down and sit back down I went down on one knee and asked if she would marry me ... she said yes and jumped back on me again.

Lisa has made me the happiest guy at the Games ... no gold, silver, or bronze could be better than this! I am so excited to be spending the rest of my life with Lisa.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

on my way to move into the olympic village

I am typing this blog on my new smartphone that the COC gave us while we are at the olympics. it has been great to be able to contact family and friends back home with it.

so right now I am on in a van on the way to the olympic village where I will be staying for the rest of the time that I am here. I am really excited to immerse myself in everything olympic for the rest of the time.

the race yesterday was incredible ... was actually the whole day was. the race went as planned and we succeeded in what we set out to do. it was a great feeling knowing that the team of Simon and I went out with a mission and stuck to our guns and came out on top.

after the race I went to all the media stuff with simon and got to see what happens immediately after you win a medal. we went to the canada house and had a reception there with dinner. afterwards we headed to the IBC (International Broadcasting Centre). Wow. that place is amazing. I got a tour of the CBC offices set up there and where they do all the editing and broadcasting from. I did and interview with the Inside Track (the only podcast that I suscribe to) which was neat! and then we were off to where CBC does their live shows. the view from the studio was amazing. the backdrop that you see on tv is for real. at night all the olympic green area is lit up and it looks stunning. the water cube and the birds nest looked fantastic all lit up. I did a live interview with the french CBC with simon and then got to sign the canada flag that they have set up there that all the athlete that come through sign.

so far my whole olympic experience has been incredible. I want to thank everyone who has sent their congrats and kind words over the past 24 hours. it really means a lot to me to hear the amount of support that we have back in Canada!

well we are just pulling up to the olympic village now! First stop - the food court.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Games Have Started

My Olympic bike was finished being built yesterday.  It looks awesome.  Gabor (our team mechanic) stayed in the shop late in order to get it finished.  It is already packed up and on its way to Beijing.  Our bikes are flying over today to make sure that they arrive before we do.  If they get lost then we will pack our backups and take those with us.

If you want to see pictures of it you will have to wait because Slowtwich is doing an article on it.  It should be up very soon and I will put a link up to it.

The little send off for the triathletes at Fort Street turned out not to be so little afterwards.  The bike shop was packed with the local triathlon community coming out to wish us good luck.  It was a really fun night with some good snacks and some good drinks.  There was a Q & A session and afterwards we signed some t-shirts that Fort Street was selling (the one above that I designed!) with the proceeds going to charity.

There was actually no watching of the Opening Ceremonies at Fort Street.  It was just too packed.  I was able to catch a little bit of it on my computer before I went swimming and was able to see Canada march out.  I caught the highlights of it later on that day and they looked spectacular.  It would have been neat to be there but there are more important things to take care of here!

We do not have a TV here in our apartment so we are only able to watch the sports live on  They have some good coverage on there of all the sports but it is without commentary.  I would still rather watch it on CBC in HD on a big screen!  Like Coach Joel does.  He is lucky.

I wrote another blog for the other day.  You can check it out here.

Training is going good.  I was/am getting a little sick.  I think that I am on the mend today but I cannot be sure.  Training has decreased which means that we are in taper mode.  I should get better really soon with lots of rest.

The weather here could be better though.  It has been cold and raining lots, just like fall weather.  I do not think that summer has started here in Victoria, or that it will ever get going.  This has been the worst summer since I moved here.  WHERE IS THE SUNSHINE!?

Here are a couple pics from the Fort Street gig.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Everything going good

Short recap on how things are going since NYC ... point form for maximum efficiency:

  • NYC race was tough, may have gone into the race a little tired from training that week.
  • since Des Moines I have changed my diet slightly. Really starting to show now. Feeling awesome in training and have lost some weight.
  • starting to piece together my Olympic bike with parts arriving daily for it in the mail. Need to get that together by Sunday as that's when it is going to be put on a plane to Beijing.
  • we are doing a piece on slowtwitch about the bike ... stay tuned for that.
  • we are leaving for Beijing on the 13th (one week today)
  • I am starting to get really excited about the Olympics now ... media is picking up on it more and more now.
  • was interviewed on CBC Newsworld today ... anyone see it?
  • knee is getting better all the time from hitting the car. I am able to run now but still keeping it minimal to maximize swim and bike energy
  • coming into the best shape that I have ever been in. Breaking training records here and there ... good to see right before I leave.
  • I have done a couple more blogs for CBC since I last wrote on here. You can check them out here and here.  I will be writing another one in the next couple of days.
  • on Friday our local bike shop (Fort Street Cycles) is having a little Opening Ceremonies party for us.  We are going to get some Chinese food and watch the show on TV with family, friends, and supporters.
  • Simon just got me a cool ice vest for Beijing from Nike.  I posted a pic of it below ... looks like an armor vest ... I am going to war after all!
  • I have been away from my girlfriend for way too long!  I cannot wait to see her in Beijing!  Along with my mom, dad, my sisters Andrea and Claire, Lexi - a friend from university, and my aunt and uncle from England ... yes I have a big support crew going!
  • I got a lotto 6/49 ticket tonight ... I did not win :(
I think that is all.