Sunday, April 01, 2007

Recover Recovery

Well getting in a shuttle, on a plane, overnighting it on hard concrete, getting on another 18 hour flight and a puddle jumper to Victoria may not have been the best thing to do for recovery right after the race last weekend. Now I have been spending all week playing catch up for that great idea.

Getting off the plane in Hawaii and trying to walk a little I knew then that it was going to be game over this week. Both calves were like rocks. So what have I been doing this week to recover? I've been playing in the barely above zero Pacific Ocean, water running at the Commonwealth Pool, sitting in a tub of ice, rolling on a foam roller, roller pinning my legs like they were dough, and putting endless amounts of any ointment that will sooth the pain and loosen them up a bit. Now that it has been a week since my race they are starting to loosen up so they should be OK for next weeks training block. This upcoming week I will be doing all the same as last week and add in some massages and ART sessions to help get me ready for the next World Cup in Ishigaki and for another trip across the Pacific.

I have also been having to take care of a wicked blister that formed on the bottom of my foot during the race...usually I cannot feel the blisters during the race but I could feel the skin start to loosen up when I was pounding the pavement in I knew that it was going to be a good one when I took off my shoes after the race. I was going to try to let it be for as long as I could before popping it but the hard run session on Friday did the trick for me.

With the water running that I have been doing, I have been able to get in some good workouts outside and on the treadmills. On Wednesday I did a easy 60min run with AP. Friday had us doing some good speed work down at Beacon Hill (6x90sec, 6x60sec, 6x30sec, 6x15sec...all with equal rest). Today I did a 1hour 40min run on the treadmills at Commonwealth. I have been happy with being able to get in these main runs this week...I was worried that I would not be able to last Monday.

Other then that I have been getting in some good swim and bikes in. The weather in Victoria has been holding up since we got rain but threatening all the time. I still have bags and suitcases all over my apartment floor...still not finished unpacking...don't see the point now...may as well leave it all in there since I'm off in another week.

Time to hit the tub again for a nice Epsom Salts bath and then an early bed.


Anonymous said...

you're foot is nasty! Gives me the willies..

Anonymous said...

My poor boy - do you need your mum? I think you all deserve a medal for what you put yourselves through. Remember "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"
Keep up the good work

arthur said...


Keep the effort up and I'm sure we'll see you in Beijing. I read the profile on you in the recent Triathlon Canada magazine and I am very happy to have found your blog. I hope you keep up your progress, I really do.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

way to go flower, you're the man coolguy. love cj.

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin,
We're all following your quest with great interest here in the UK. Keep up the good work. Happy training.

Love Aunty Caroline XXX

Anonymous said...

Hey Colin! This is the first time i've seen your blog. What you're doing is AMAZING! I'll print the latest off for everyone here in Chesterfield/Sheffield to read. We all hope to come and see you at your meet in Salford this summer, fingers crossed. Take care, Laura x

Anonymous said...

wow colin, your abs look like mine. how cool is that !! unc

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin,
Hope you're healing well, thanks again for the very detailed blog!
Rachel and Sarah send big hugs and kisses your way....did you get them? happy training and travelling,
Love Aunty