Friday, June 15, 2007

Chillin in Des Moines

The temperature here is hot. The lake water is hot. Des Moines World Cup Triathlon is going to be hot! And my new HUMMER at the finish line looks even hotter!!! Especially with $200k in the back seat! hahahaha...i wish. So far this race has been first class. The committee has done a great job of getting everything ready and looking good.

Today we did a little bit of everything. I ran in the morning on the treadmills, rode the bike course in the heat of the day and finished it off with a swim in the lake. Later on we had the athletes meeting and then hopped on a bus that took us to the pasta dinner. We had to wait a little while for the food but when we were allowed to dive in it was very tasty! Especially the dessert. mmmmmmm.

Here are a couple pics from the last couple days:
This was on my bed when I got into the room...seems like I was the only one to get it...I guess they do not like anyone else and are treating me extra special because I told them that I was going to win this weekend and that I was a big deal back in Canada. They asked if I was better than Kirsten...I said she isn't even close!

Pounding the pavement...or belt I should say.

My new race suit that I will be wearing this weekend...wearing the BG colours hoping that they will like that and sponsor me for $ listening big BG executives!?!?!?

Kyle getting caught trying to steal the HUMMER

I took this one for Dano...he would have been all over this!


Anonymous said...

We all wish you a great race today. Go like the wind!

Your supporters in England XXXXX

Anonymous said...

Colin - good luck tomorrow at the race. Your last race was awesome - keep the same pace and stay at the front - love G&G

Daniel Wells said...

Those people on the motor home could have the best seat in the house!

Though it would help if they had something better than crap Coors Light! Now if it was Stella Artois....

Rip it up tomorrow buddy!

Anonymous said...

Let's go Colin, we will be cheering for you out here in québec city. Wish you all the best,

Dave Gagnon