Monday, June 11, 2007

He didn't want his crown jewels falling out...


Anonymous said...

instead of a race report, THIS is what we get. way to go flower! :P cj

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think that this is a picture of A-P in Westchester last year...He crashed two times in this race and ran the entire 10km his hand like on the picture....But don't worry A-P, I forgot everything about this...

Tu es pardonné...

Anonymous said...

À ce jour, je suis toujours très désolé, mais merci de me pardonné!.... the second crash where I took you down really hurt, I dislocated a costochondral joint in my ribs. jenkins where is your race report? and thanks for posting that pic on the internet... your turn will come

Anonymous said...

BEIJING (Reuters) - Some four billion people are expected to watch the 2008 Beijing Olympics on television, a billion more than the Athens Games in 2004, state media reported on Wednesday.

"The figure will be one billion more than that of the 2004 Athens Olympics, and I believe we can achieve that goal," Xinhua news agency quoted Ma Guoli, Chief Operation Officer of Beijing Olympics Dissemination Corporation Ltd, as saying.

Anonymous said...

Kick ass pic of you and Simon on bike course of Vancouver Cup at