Thursday, July 12, 2007

blog blog blog

I could write a lot of what's been going on these last couple weeks but I will keep it bed time is coming up quick.  Last time we talked I was sick.  Well I got better, had a wicked week of training, and so far this week has been just OK training.  And that is it.

I am confirmed for Salford to be my next World Cup.  I head over the Atlantic to a little island known as UK.  Lisa is coming with me also, I meet up with her in Toronto for the flight to Manchester but I will be in First Class enjoying the high life while she is in the back with the rift raft.  We are staying with some of my family while we are over there.  Should be a good time.

Other than training I have not been doing much.  I could clean my suite...but that takes away from recovery and watching HEROES.  I am half way through the first is a good one!

OK, its bedtime...and oh yea, yesterday here in Victoria was the hottest day on record.  It got up to 36.3 degrees Celsius...HOT HOT HOT.  It felt like I was in an oven when outside.


Anonymous said...

It's about time you updated! You're so detailed with your training - NOT!
As long as you are working hard I guess.
And be nice to Kirsten :)

Anonymous said...

You better be sitting in coach with me or I'll have to re-evaluate this whole "relationship"

Your gf

Daniel Wells said...

Lisa....a real boyfriend would give up his 1st class seat to whoever was sitting beside that he could sit with you. I'm sure that is what Colin will do.

Jenkins...I saw your parents today at Geneva...maybe you should blog a bit more...they get more info on you off my blog than yours!!