Sunday, August 19, 2007

Man this week has been tough...

Just finishing up the final prep stages for Worlds that are coming up in two weeks.  I have had an OK past couple weeks.  Training hard, getting dropped in some workouts but pushing it in others.  You also know that everyone is tired and a big race is coming up when there was almost a UFC fight in lake this week.  Lots of screaming, tempers high, adrenaline running lead too a solid second half of the swim.  Everyone was on like Donkey Kong.

This morning the group did 4x harder than hamish loops in the rain....well light rain...still got wet.  Everyone was running really well which means that I was running on my own at the back wishing that my legs could move faster to have someone to run with.  ICE in the ocean and then went out to Brunch with some of the boys.  Before I know it, it is time to get my swim stuff ready and head over to the lake for a afternoon session there....gotta get my stuff ready now.


Anonymous said...

come on flower, stop being a debbie downer. you're awesome! keep it up brother. xo cj

arthur said...

1. What happened in the lake? Why was there a fight??

2. What the heck is a Harder than Hamish loop? I presume this is named after Hamish Carter... lol. Care to explain how I can embark on my own "Harder than Hamish" workouts?

Colin said...

hard swimming...bumping into each other...trying to outswim each other...high tempers. Its like brothers fighting so it isn't really fighting.

We do the Harder than Hamish loops at Beacon Hill park. There is a 1 mile loop in the park (used to be a horse race track years ago). When Hamish was out here training with us a couple years ago he would do this loop for intervals. Well half way into the interval we added a good climb into it by veering off the 1 mile loop and making it a 2km loop. Therefore by adding a good hill into the Hamish loop we are running Harder than Hamish. And yes it is Hamish Carter.

Anonymous said...

a fight like you and i with the boxing gloves when you were 5 ?????? seems like only yesterday.

Anonymous said...

that was totally an 'unc' comment there. cj