Sunday, March 02, 2008


Today was my 25th birthday and I celebrated it by doing a tough treadmill workout of 5x3min with 2min rest.  Then I had a nap and went to the pool to do a 200 for every year since my mom spat me out.  Afterwards we went to the Outback where Joel treated me to a nice steak dinner and then off to Coldstones where the ice cream was on them because it was my birthday.  Then we played the game Catch Phrase.  Not a bad day.

Week one is done here in Flagstaff...2 more weeks left and then off to Australia for World Cup #1.


Anonymous said...

I'm a little behind on the b'day info, so happy late birthday Colin, good luck at WC#1 DCH

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday,glad i read your blog....unc