Friday, July 04, 2008

New blog and heat training begins!

My new blog is up on CBC.  You can check it out by clicking here.

My knee is getting better.  I took it easy again yesterday and went and got some graston and ART on it.  Feels better.  It may be stemming from a tight hip, or maybe not.  Not really sure.

Yesterday was also the first day of heat training.  I was not sure if I was going to be able to ride but I made through the 90 minutes of torture.  My knee was a little stiff but it got better as the ride went on.  Or maybe it was because I was not really pedaling the last 45 min because my core temperature was too high.

The first day is always the worst when we do this heat training.  We are doing it the same way that we did before the Cancun World Cup last year.  Pacific Sport has modified a trailer to make it a heat chamber.  We monitor our core temperatures by having rectal probes in us.  This makes it much easier to know when our cores are at its ideal temperature and when to back off when it gets too high.  The feedback is immediate and makes for a much more enjoyable session than not knowing how high your core is and not knowing when to back off.  As you can bet, none of us like to back off that much, we all think if 39 degrees core temperature is good, 41 is better!

This morning we have a swim workout at Crystal and I may try to run a little, seeing how the knee holds up.  Then later on in the afternoon it is back into the torture chamber for 90 minutes of misery.

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