Saturday, March 24, 2007

Race Day

Race day today. It is clear skies and sunny….going to be a hot one for sure. I just got back from a short little run and had breakfast. The Womens race starts at 11AM, the Mens at 1:30PM. Live coverage is going to be on…don’t know what time it is all going to start at back home.

Yesterday I did my swim in the ocean…wow….big surf. Going to be a rally choppy swim and hard to get out there. They changed the swim from 2 laps to 1 big one. Should be a lot smoother that way…less fighting. I went for a short ride and run afterwards to make sure everything was ok. The rest of the day was spent in front of the TV and eating.

I have a flight to Sydney tonight…I get picked up 2 hours after I finish the race…so I basically have to get right back to the hotel, shower up, and pack quickly to make it. Not the most ideal situation but I do get home early. I have to overnight it in Sydney and my flight to Vancouver is early in the morning.

Well time to start getting ready for the race…oh yea…by the way I love tim tams...mmmmmmmm!


Anonymous said...

Be the BAMF!

Anonymous said...



BAMF isn't just skiing in the rockies!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Colin on your fantastic race. You must be pleased with that result! Safe journey home.

Love Aunty Caroline XXXX

Anonymous said...

Way to go Colin,you showed them it can be done.You are on the road to the PODIUM.G&G

Anonymous said...

Hey...Look who's a lean mean running machine!!!

mike T