Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The reincarnation of the BLOG

I haven’t done this for a while but what people want, people get.

I just finished a two and a half month training camp in Flagstaff, AZ, which is at 7000ft. The purpose of the camp was to train at altitude and get us ready for the upcoming race season. Although it was freezing there, we got some great training in.

Just before I left Flagstaff to come back to Victoria I received a new frame and race wheels. They are wicked nice. But in the flight home on Friday from Arizona to Victoria I opened up my bike bag to find that my rear Zipp 808 was trashed…got all dented and cracked. Got to be more careful next time.

I was in Victoria for 2 days and then I was off to Australia leaving Monday. I made it to Australia with no problems. I did miss my flight in Sydney but I was able to get on the next flight out 30min later and made my shuttle when we arrived in Brisbane to take me to Mooloolaba. I met up with Kyle at the Brisbane airport and the shuttle took us to our hotel about 60min away.

So far Mooloolaba has been awesome. Our hotel is nice, there is a grocery store 2 min away, the race site is right down the road and the ocean is very warm. Kyle and I went for a 30min swim in the ocean yesterday, got some groceries, went for a 30min run and just hung out. There is a lot of surfing in Mooloolaba. Running along the ocean yesterday and there was loads of surfers in the water. Another cool thing that we saw on our run was wild parrots…beautiful colours, just hanging out in the trees. When we went to get groceries we both noticed that most people do not wear shoes here….or shirts for that matter. If they are wearing anything on their feet, then they are all wearing thongs (as in sandals).

There is no internet at the hotel but there is an internet café where I am right now just on the waterfront. There are tons of little cafes and restaurants along the water…all outdoor seating. Tonight we will be going out for dinner to one of them. Last night we just bought a chicken and buns and had that for dinner.

Ill take some pictures and post them up later on. Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

YES! Finally! I just hope you give us more than 3 posts :)

Anonymous said...

Ok - I can call off the search party and take down the signs for a "Missing Triathlete - last seen in transit some 3 days ago"!!!

Sounds like your kind of place - you and Kyle settle in and we expect great races from both of you.

And as Lisa says - hope this Blog lasts longer than a day :0
luv ya M&D

Anonymous said...

Lucky Boy! i'm stuck in the office, sore throat, stuffy/runny nose. Beauty! Enjoy yourself Coli, sounds amazing. love ya. xo

Anonymous said...


Good luck Colin,

mike t

Anonymous said...

We haven`t heard what you did for wheels,or don`t you need WHEELS.
Have a nice race.G&G

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin
looking forward to hearing about your experiences. Good luck with the training.
Love Aunty