Friday, March 23, 2007

A Race Meeting and Some Pics

This morning I woke up to a torrential downpour…hopefully we do not see anymore of that around here.

Yesterday went well. We woke up, went to the internet café, had breakfast and then went for a swim at the outdoor pool in Cotton Wood. We did a little bit of race pace stuff…felt pretty good. Afterwards we went for a ride on the bike course with some pickups and then an easy run after. I went to the ocean in the afternoon to practice some race starts and exits out of the surf. The waves were pretty big so it is going to be interesting trying to get out of the surf fast during the race.

Late afternoon we had the race meeting at Underwater World. That was pretty cool….we got to check the place out before the meeting started. Lots of neat things there. After the meeting there was a 5km road race on the race course. It was 3 laps and there were some really fast running going on. The winner went 14:22 in a course with eight 180 degree turns and having to dodge loads of people on the 2nd and 3rd laps….fast!

For dinner, Kyle and I cooked up some chicken on the BBQ with some salad, potatoes, and pasta. Good eats. After cleaning up it was lights out.

There is not much going on here to report on. A lot of sitting around watching TV. My bike is in working condition and I am starting to feel rested.

I am off to the Internet Café now to fire off this blog.

Till next time….and these are some pics I took yesterday.

Cotton Wood Swim Pool

Beach where we start our race

Our Hotel

Paul getting eaten at Underwater World

Walk Through Fish Tank

We got to see a couple REAL SHARKS in the tanks!

The rest of the Canadian Boys

Some Fish in the Massive tank with the Sharks

Hanging out

Paul said thats what Fred Flinstone would use for a saw

Pile up

I didn't know Claire was in Australia! Hi Claire!

Another Pic of Claire

This Turtle has a freaky long neck

Some Otters....they like to play follow the leader

The Start of the 5km race


Anonymous said...

You make me smile Colin, but I don't think Claire will be too pleased - you could have named one of the fish AJ :)
At least if all those fish and sharks are in the tanks they won't be bothering you on Sunday ;)

Sounds like you've done everything right in your prep. Hope it pays dividends for you on Sunday.
Love ya M&D

Anonymous said...

Good luck in your race on Sunday Colin. We'll be rooting for you in GB!

Take care mind,

Love Aunty Caroline XXXX

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say - the photos were great!

Love Aunty Caroline XXX

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot Colin!!! remember, you're my twin!
