Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Red eye flights make your eyes red

Right now I sit in the Air Canada Lounge at the Vancouver Airport waiting for my red eye flight to Toronto. Like coach Joel always says "Milk that lounge for everything its got!" And that's what I plan on doing! Not much to milk though since I am not a drinker. Oh and if I was...it would be game over!

Since getting back from my last race the training this week has been so so. Nothing great...mostly below par but the efforts are still there. Banking the miles, swimming the laps, doing the work. You do not want to hear the specifics or times...then you will be telling yourself "My 90 year old grandmother can go fast than him...and she's got only one leg, arthritis, and watches Y&R 24/7!" I'll spare myself the humility of all the comments and keep quiet.

The CCES (Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport) were on us this week. They are the ones that do the drug testing...they just show up unannounced to anyone of your training sessions or home and take a urine sample from you. On Friday morning they showed up at the end of the swim workout and tested Jill and myself. Jill having a magic bladder pipes up just after jumping out of the water "I can go now"...then there is me thinking a lot of words that are not appropriate for this blog towards her. I say to her "thanks for leaving me all by myself while I drink water like an alcoholic would drink booze if prize money was involved". Jill was done everything including paper work within 8 minutes of getting out of the water. Well done Jill! It took me a little longer...75 minutes and 5 bottles of water later...SUCCESS! I hate that process.

Nothing else exciting has happened over the last week...just living the life of a poor triathlete.


Anonymous said...

Excuse me Mr. Jenkins - what's this poor triathlete business - you are living your dream!
You've got to keep your eye on the prize - remember there are no shortcut to achievement :)
And, pick-up the pace why don't you - I think your mum could go faster.......
Safe journey.
Luv u xx

Anonymous said...

yea, nice poor triathlete business! you've seen more of the world than I think you know what to do with! remember, your sisters love presents! ;)


Anonymous said...

It probably took you so long because you were just nervous to pee in front of someone. They look right down there eh?! We know you wouldn't have been dehydrated right????
-Suzanne :)