Sunday, May 06, 2007

Its been a while...

since my last post when I was on my way back to Ontario for a visit. Lets see what I can remember what happened since then. I did some basic training at home...the weather sucked...seems like the cold, rainy weather from Victoria followed me so there was some trainer and treamill workouts to enjoy. From Toronto I hopped on a plane to Lisbon, Portugal on Tuesday to race in the third World Cup of the year. The race is on today...later on this afternoon. I am staying with Brent, Simon, and Kyle at a homestay of a local triathlete. They live in a really nice home and then mom is a saint. She has been cooking some meals for us and makes us feel at home...all without saying a word of english. We sometimes try to communicate...we think "maybe if we speak slower she will magically understand what we are saying"...nope...same old gibberish coming out of the mouth.

Joel and our local guide Paulo who has been driving us around everywhere went to the womens race this morning and left us on our own with getting down to the race site. Well they forgot to give us directions on how to get there...we went downt he past two days but driving here is a whole different ball game than back home...plua we live about 30min away. So there was three of us last night trying to get directions and find out where we live on Google Earth, Google maps, Map Quest, and Yahoo Maps. Well about an hour later we locate where we live on a map and agree on a plan of attack on getting to the race site...90% chance getting lost, thats my prediction. I think we should leave a bit early.

Here are some pics from the past couple days in Lisbon:

On the way into town.

Waiting for something to do.

I win in the sprint finish!

View from our room.

Kyle being Kyle.

Is this balsamic vinigar? vinigar!

Simon in hos usual place in front of a computer.

Local Pool where we have been swimming.

The Group with some locals.

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Kirsten looks so little! Great pics :)