Sunday, May 27, 2007

Week in Review

A good solid week of training has been put in the bank in the last week. Coming off a nice break after the last two World Cup races I was ready to get back into the swing of things head on.

Monday - open water swim workout at Thetis Lake. Two times around the big island...just swim. We found out that a couple of trees have been knocked down into the water and are now in our way....adds a bit of a challenge trying to get over, under, or around them when we are doing the hard efforts. Later on in the day was a ride with efforts in zone 5, zone 4, then 30sec pick ups...times three. Nice hard ride except for the fact that my seat collar broke and I was having to get off my bike every 10-15min to re-raise the seat because the replacement that I put on was not the right size (holiday bike shops open).

Tuesday - wicked hard swim...2x100 start speed, 8x100 MRP....then do it all over again. Arms were not in it all the way but still able to push out some ok times. Then after getting a seat collar that took ages (no one has a 31.6 in the city!) I was off to do some motor pacing around the W Dog. Joel and I did 2.5 loops motor pacing then I did .5 lap TT on my own. 5min recovery...the 1 loop TT on my own. Able to push out a sure that I will revisit that later on in the year. A 30min run off the bike with some tempo effort on the treadmill to end the day.

Wednesday - Speed swim workout in the morning. Some 200's to start then a bunch of 50's to end. Nothing special this workout...check done. Then it was time for the treamill workout of the year (well so far). 12x3min with 90sec rest. #1 @6%@10mph #2 @ 4%@11mph #3 @2%@12mph...repeat 4 times. the first two efforts speeds were supposed to be faster...lets just say that they were a tad ambitious! I was just glad to be able to get in all 12 efforts. An easy 60min spin on the rollers and a 90min massage to end the day.

Thursday - Easy swim with drills in the am. Then at noon I went out the door for a 3 hour base ride with a 30min run off the bike. Legs were feeling the treadmill workout from yesterday.

Friday - easy 40min run at elk lake to wake up. Then it was off the Thetis to do some more open water swimming. This time we did 1 loop big island WU. Then 1 big island loop at effort. Rest. Then 1 small island loop at effort. The arms were a burning going head to head with dano and simon...yea I took them! Round 1 in open water goes to me! Many more battles will be fought here this year. Then a easy 60min spin on the rollers to end the day.

Saturday - Lets call it UVIC day. I rode to the university as a WU for the workout which was 3 rounds of 3 loops pack riding right into 2 loops TT. Everyone was riding to mix it up a little and get rolling with the boys (and little kirsten who was beating some of the boys). Bike done, shoes on. Right into a run workout at the track. 4x1000 on 6min going just below 3min's. Then a 3.5km build effort around campus. Im spent. Ride home, eat quickly, go to ocean to ice legs. Take a little nap...head over to Commonwealth for a 30min easy tradmill run and back to the ocean to ice legs again. Legs felt good after the flush and ice.

Sunday - then today we all meet at Elk lake to do our long run. 2 loops of elk building with some strides at the end. Surprised that my legs did not feel that bad (must of been the ocean soak). Got home and hopped on the bike right away at watched an episode of the shield for a 60min spin. Layed on the couch all afternoon and headed over to Crystal pool for the last workout of the week. 5500m swim done and the bank.

Almost 26hours of training in this week. Week one done...week two here we come.


Unknown said...

Very solid week Colin. BAMF'ed that TM workout on Wed.

Anonymous said...

let's compare that to my week

ran 5 miles..ate 2 donuts

swam 2000 yards
ate 2 donuts


ran 8 miles with you mom and dad
ate 2 donuts


swam 2000 yrds
no donuts

ate 2 donuts're a little up on me this week......


Anonymous said...

Great work Colin - Mike - no worries, you're efforts were "quality" - the donuts - hmm... not so sure.
Keep up the intensity Colin and get stronger and hopefully FASTER!!
Train safe and have fun.

Anonymous said...

is that it !!! i did 23 hrs training yesterday, hour sleep then i'm back at it . no soak or easy spins....later dude