Saturday, June 09, 2007

Not the bike race I thought I would see....

So I was just in the hotel room watching some Prison Break (great show by the way) on my laptop when we hear some shouting outside...I thought maybe there is a fight breaking out or something so we run to the balcony and what do we see....a bunch of naked people riding bikes down the middle of the street! Sooooo Funny! We saw on the news later on tonight that it was International ride your bike naked day or something like that...there is a couple more rides happening around the world today just like the one here in Vancouver in protest about the amount of cars on the road and commercialization. My mom asked if I jumped in and joined! hahah...not quite. When I got downstairs naked they were way down the road. Just missed them. The worst part was walking back through the lobby naked after charging out the door. Some people were looking and me strange, others looked away and covered their eyes, and some of the men were smiling at me....we are in the gay district in Vancouver by the way. hahahah...that would be funny if that actually happened but it didn't. Got you going there I bet!

Vancouver is awesome. I love big cities and racing through them is even better. APBSmith and I are sharing a hotel...we have been making our meals in the room....we have a full kitchenette which has been great to cook our own food. There may be some others that are not enjoying Vancouver as much. Some Kiwis were having coffee inside a shop with all their bikes stacked up outside the window....well a guy in a hooded sweatshirt came up and took one of the bikes right in front of them and took off. Well they all went for the chase but could not catch stolen right before the race....OUCH! Hopefully he gets a replacement right before the race. Too bad that happened here because this is a great city.

We went swimming at the race course this, wow, oh wow it is cold. Swimming in English Bay in 13 degree temperature and rain is not my favorite thing in the world to do. Too bad the weather has not been cooperating. ITU puts on World Cups all around the world in exotic hot places....I guess they had to throw in a cold race to put the canucks in an environment that we are used to! They are calling for sun...or is it rain now? Who knows...the weather changed every 10 min here so who knows what it is going to be. It is going to be a little chilly though...thats for sure.

Well it is time to go watch some more Prison Break and put my feet up....maybe go get a little dessert before bed...mmmmmmmm!!!! I need the insulation for tomorrows race! That can be my excuse.

Ill leave you with a little cartoon that I found. I found it really happens to me too often!


Daniel Wells said...

You da man Chico!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome race Colin - #7 is my new lucky # :)
Simon was amazing as well.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what all the hooting and hollering was downstairs. I was in the English Bay Hotel and hooted just for the hell of it. I thought it was some Canadian custom so I went for it.
On the race. I was there... Well done, you are one of the BAMFs. Greg