Sunday, July 06, 2008

Another day survived

Yes, we endured and persevered through another day in the heat chamber. Today I came into the session "severely dehydrated" as I was told by Wendy after she analyzed my urine. I have been getting a little worse each day ... I just have to stay on top of it tomorrow and keep a bottle of water with me to get myself topped back up.

The session in the trailer was not too bad today. I felt better than yesterday and was able to keep my heart rate nice and controlled for the 90 minutes. Today we watched the movie "Jumper" which was entertaining. We try to watch a movie with a lot of action to keep our minds off the fact that we are in extreme temperatures. The other movies that we have watched in the other three heat workouts have been Terminator 2, The Incredibles, and Gone in 60 Seconds. Anyone have a suggestion for the last two sessions?

This morning I tried to go out for a run. I woke up with no discomfort in my knee but I was not able to get far without it starting to bother me again. So no running again for me. Just more Motrin and ice for me.

After the failed run attempt I headed down to Bastion Square for the Vancouver Island Olympic athletes sendoff. There was a little ceremony with a couple dragons for the 30 or so athletes that showed up to the event. It turns out that about 20% of the Canadian athletes heading to Beijing this summer train on Vancouver Island. We signed autographs for the kids that were there and the not so little kids (adults) that were interested. Pacific Sport even had made some Vancouver Island athlete training cards that the kids had for us to sign. Very cool!

After all that excitement we headed over to Thetis lake for an open water swim. This weeks training has been far from ideal for me with missing all my running and a fair bit of riding at the beginning of the week. I wanted to salvage this weeks training by having a good swim. During the big island warm-up loop I decided that it is about time that the big island loop record be broken and that today shall be the day. With the previous record of 14:50ish in my mind I went for it from the start. I was fading a little near the end but was able to come through in 14:34 for the new record. At least something this week went well.


Daniel Wells said...

next time we have to go head to head without the wetsuits on!! :)

Anonymous said...

Colin, after much thought, I've told your Dad that with all the talk of air quality in China maybe its best you looked after your health and made a pass on the olympics...just kidding! I told him I'd send you this one! You go kid! Rip it up in Beijing!!! DCH