Saturday, July 05, 2008

Half way done heat training

3 days down, 3 to go.

Heat training has been going good.  The first day was really tough, yesterday felt like a piece of cake but today I felt like death again.  It does not help that I went into the session dehydrated this afternoon ... it makes for a miserable 90 minutes.

These next three days should be much easier than the first half.  Our bodies will have started to acclimatize to the heat and be better adept at cooling itself in those conditions.

So in the 4.5 hours that we have been in that trailer from hell, I have lost just a little under 27lbs of sweat (12.2kg).  Thats over 6 two liter pop bottles!  No wonder my body hates itself in there!  It  would be great for someone who wants to loose a couple pounds!

After every session I down a V8 to replenish some lost salts and head down to the ocean to ice the legs and cool down a bit.  Last night when Jordan and I were icing (we went a little later) we could see fireworks going off in Port Angeles, Washington across the Juan de Fuca straight for the Fourth of July festivities.  It was neat to watch and made the time go by a little quicker.

As for the knee buisness ... it seems to be getting better.  A little stiff, but other than that no real pain.  I have not tried to run on it yet since I put myself in a hole from that Tuesday run.  I did 60 minutes intensity on the bike today and it felt fine.  Maybe tomorrow I will try to run a little on it.  We will see what coach Joel says.


LisaMC said...

put some clothes on!

Anonymous said...

jacket looks a little small i'll take it.... thanks