Friday, July 18, 2008

Racing in America

My America trip is coming to an end soon ... but not before the most exciting part ... we are off to NYC today for the weekend! I have never been to NYC so I am pretty excited about going there. We are staying right beside Central Park so the location should be awesome. We are only going into NYC today because the hotels there are a fortune, we can only afford a couple nights there considering that each room is going to be over $1200! OUCH!

For the time between the Mineaplois race and going to NYC we have been staying in a small city called Plymouth. It reminds me of being back home in Ontario with its hot and humid weather and the endless country roads. Plymouth was also just named the #1 City in America to live in for 2008. Quite the accomplishment!

Everyday we have been training out of the Life Time Fitness gyms that roam Minnesota.  These gyms are unreal!  They are massive and have everything you would want in a gym.  Hopefully Life Time will expand into Canada sometime soon.

We also got to meet a cycling legend a couple days ago.  After a ride that we did with the local triathlon club we were invited to a BBQ that Greg LeMond was at.  He has won the Tour de France three times in the past.  If you do not know much about him you should read up on him.  He is a pretty incredible guy and has accomplished a lot!  He was also shot with a shotgun in a hunting accident, lost 75% of his blood and survived to come back and win the Tour de France another two times.  WOW!

Time to finish up packing!


Anonymous said...

What kind of hotel does Simon want to stay in!? Or who is was the genius in charge of that.

Hopefully you do not have to pay for that!

Here is a 3 1/2 star hotel 2.5 K from central park

Rooms: 2
Nights: 2
Rate per night: $229.00

Tax recovery

Good luck in the last of your Tour and I enjoy reading your slowtwitch blog, keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

check out the carter hotel. is's a block from times square. they have carpet on the walls and it's super cheap....but be careful. if you have visitors in your room, you may be arrested. ;) love ya, cj

Anonymous said...

Dude, LeMond!! the man's a legend! He was just starting his career when I began watching the sport, he was my hero! Still remember when he 1st won the tour on those "tri" bars! whicked! DCH

S Keys Gawl said...

When are you guys leaving for china?