Thursday, March 22, 2007

Lounging around and some good eats

Wow, I am popular...I looked at the last post and already 6 comments on the first one...I am a super star! G&G, I borrowed a wheel from a friend in worked out well.

When you are at a race you usually become really good friends with the television in your hotel room. The TV here is not that great but it passes the time. When we were not in our hotel room the workouts for the day were a 40min run with some efforts, an easy ride and a good swim. We did the run on part of the run course which is going to basically be running up a hill and down the other side and turn around and back up and down. It is on the same part as the bike course….going up and down that hill 16 times (8 laps) and 8 times on the run (4 laps) is going to take its toll.

We did the swim in a 50meter 8 lane outdoor pool….I think that it was called cotton wood swimming pool. It was a really nice pool. They also had a 25meter pool under a canopy to keep shaded.

When putting together my bike yesterday I found out the my big chain ring got bent in transit…had to go find a bike store that could sell me a new one. We found a great store that gave me one for a cheep price since they could not find the real price anywhere…glad I went there! So my bike will be good to go for today’s workout.

Today we have got a workout to do in the pool, then practice some starts and run outs from the ocean. We also have a ride with some pick ups and a easy run. I think the weather is getting a little worse this weekend as they are calling for rain…hopefully it holds off.

Last night Kyle and I went out for dinner at a restaurant across the road from our hotel. The meal was amazing….it was the Aussie BBQ Mongolian night. Basically you filled up your plate with as much stir fry stuff as you can and then they fry it up for you. It was really good and filling. Well worth it.

This weekend in addition to he world cup is going to be a weekend of races. Tonight there is a 5km road race. Tomorrow is going to be a open water swim race and a bike crit. We will go check out the run tonight…should be good.

Nothing else to say…we have a race meeting this afternoon at Underwater World….we will maybe go check that place out before or after the meeting….maybe we get a complementary access.

Bye for now!

PS - Sorry for no pics...I promise tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Hi Col - mmm.. Mongolian night sounds good - bet the profit margin dipped when you showed up :)
Now don't be wimping out on those hills mind....... we'll be watching for you. You and that bike, can anything else go wrong!

Be safe and can't wait to see pics.

Anonymous said...

I think you should invest in a hard case bike box! Geez, your poor luck